
NEU's Birmingham District web pages provide contact details, district news and other local information.

Use the contact information on this page to get in touch about casework, local meetings and training, annual conference and other issues. Birmingham NEU is the premier teacher & support staff union in the city, representing 8500+ members. The NEU is the largest teachers' union in Europe. 

West Midlands



NEU member contact:

David Room

Birmingham notices


Your first point of contact for advice and support from the union should be your National Education Union workplace representative. 

Contact your branch in relation to issues at work, and contact your district in relation to all other matters. Your query may also be addressed in our advice section.

Birmingham NEU District & Branch General Meetings 2024:

23rd May AGM

20th June 

All of the above will be held at the MAC from 6pm-7.30pm unless we advise differently.  Members have the option of attending these meetings via Zoom.  Further information re each meeting will be emailed out nearer the time.

NEU on the Israel/Palestine conflict

This sets out how teachers can effectively manage classroom discussions on the situation in Gaza and includes teaching tips and helpful teaching and learning resources.

Upcoming events

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