

Minimum service levels plans

After 13 years of Conservative education policy, every day, children and young people in schools suffer levels of service well below expectation.


Minimum service levels

The NEU will continue to oppose minimum services levels and lobby a future Labour government to repeal the measures at the earliest opportunity.



Our members should not be penalised for sickness absence where working arrangements have not been adjusted to accommodate their needs.


EPI on multi-academy trusts

This report highlights an inspection and accountability system that is largely indifferent to the individual circumstances of different schools and pupil demographics.


Pensions and TPS

Members’ willingness to stand up to defend teacher pensions at The Girls’ Day School Trust and other disputes show that we can win.


SEND in multi-academy trusts

This NFER report is further evidence that the complexity of pupils’ needs are placing pressure on mainstream schools due to a lack of special school places.

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