NEU Cymru supply members protest Date: 15/10/2024 NEU Cymru members protest outside the Senedd about the supply agency rip-off in education. NEU Cymru Pay Pensions Supply
NEU Cymru welcomes supply teacher report Date: 18/04/2024 NEU Cymru’s supply teacher members will be pleased with most of the IWPRB’s recommendations in their review. NEU Cymru Supply
Athrawon cyflenwi: Cymru Date: 22/10/2023 Cynnig 20 - Athrawon cyflenwi yn gofyn am fynediad cyfartal i delerau ac amodau. Conference Cymru Welsh language Supply
Supply teachers: Motion 20 Date: 22/10/2023 Supply teachers ask for equal access to terms and conditions. Conference Cymru English language Supply
Supporting agency workers in education Date: 06/04/2023 A strategy for agency workers will challenge unfair Government proposals – such as the threat to AWR - and campaign for tighter monitoring. Annual Conference Supply