Violent, racist and Islamophobic disorder Date: 06/08/2024 NEU statement on violent, racist and Islamophobic disorder seen across England and Northern Ireland. Racism
Impact of racist language and violence on schools and communities Date: 05/04/2024 When national debate normalises prejudice and even violence, this has a direct impact on young people and in schools and colleges. NEU2024 Racism
Agenda Alliance on Black Caribbean Girls' exclusions Date: 08/02/2024 Existing policies for behaviour and attendance are not working. These proposals are a serious and constructive alternative. Exclusion Racism
NFER on “Ethnic Diversity in the Teaching Workforce” Date: 31/01/2024 Improving representation means changing school cultures. Black teachers Equality Racism
Report on racism in schools in Wales Date: 28/11/2023 NEU Cymru “deeply concerned” that pupils' experiences mirror those of Black staff. Racism
Hiliaeth yn y Gweithle. Cynnig 10 Date: 21/10/2023 Pryder aelodau NEU Cymru am hiliaeth yn y gweithle. Conference Cymru Welsh language Racism
Racism in the Workplace. Motion 10 Date: 21/10/2023 NEU Cymru members concern about racism in the workplace. Conference Cymru English language Racism
National Windrush Day Date: 22/06/2023 This year marks 75 years from when the ‘Windrush’ generation came to the UK after the Second World War, starting from 1948. Nearly 500 passengers were carried on the Empire Windrush from Caribbean countries. Equality Racism