The crisis in funding for schools and colleges in Wales. Motion 22 Date: 22/10/2023 NEU Cymru members highlight the crisis in funding for schools and colleges in Wales. Conference Cymru English language Funding
Supply teachers: Motion 20 Date: 22/10/2023 Supply teachers ask for equal access to terms and conditions. Conference Cymru English language Supply
Attendance in schools and colleges. Motion 15 Date: 21/10/2023 NEU Cymru members “Poor attendance poses a significant risk to learners’ learning, attainment and life chances.” Conference Cymru English language
Racism in the Workplace. Motion 10 Date: 21/10/2023 NEU Cymru members concern about racism in the workplace. Conference Cymru English language Racism
No child left behind: Motion 7 Date: 21/10/2023 NEU Cymru members make calls to “leave no child behind”. Conference Cymru English language Child poverty