Snap poll launch

NEU snap poll launches to consult members on Government pay offer to teachers 


This month NEU members are being asked to take part in a snap poll on the recent Government offer of a 5.5% pay award to all teachers and leaders in England. Schools will receive an additional £1.2 billion to fund the pay rise.   

The poll runs from 21-30 September and asks one question: “Do you Accept or Reject the Government's 5.5% pay offer?”      

The NEU held a Special Executive meeting on 5 August at which it was agreed to recommend that members accept the offer.   

The vote is by email or text and will be sent to approximately 300,000 members who are serving teachers in state schools in England.   

Daniel Kebede, General Secretary of the National Education Union, said:   

“NEU members should be in no doubt what has got us to this point. It is their strike action in 2023 that won the argument for teacher pay to be addressed. The situation left by the Conservative government was simply unsustainable.   

“We recommend that members accept the 5.5% offer, which is a significant first – but not last – step toward a long-term correction in pay. The Government should be under no illusion that a single pay deal is an end to the matter.”

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