Provided the impairment is long-term, that is, it has lasted for twelve months or is likely to last for twelve months, and has a more than trivial impact on a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day activities, it will be protected by the Equality Act.
Which barriers are you likely to face at work?
- Access to all areas of the school, particularly on split site schools;
- Carrying out playground duties;
- Setting up equipment, carrying books, lifting etc; and
- Going on school trips.
What kind of adjustments may be considered?
- Space to move around school and classroom easily;
- Situating the classroom on the ground floor. In secondary schools consideration should be given to reducing the required movement between classes;
- Locating the classroom near toilets so that teacher has time to use the facilities during a break;
- Ensuring that school trip venues are accessible (this should be part of inclusive schools planning anyway);
- Adapting chair/desk/whiteboard/provision of a perching stool ;
- Providing a support worker or allocated staff member to assist in setting up equipment, carrying books etc; and
- Providing allocated parking space.
Mr M works for the local authority’s prison service as a teacher. Because of his disability (his right arm is amputated at the elbow) he has a problem coping with heavy doors at the prison where he works. The local authority agrees to transfer him to another prison with electronic doors in the hope that this will make it easier for him to cope.