Women Chainmakers: Timeline
Fair pay and equality time line activity for use in the main lesson.

Women Chainmakers
If ever there was a moment in time to evaluate the progress made towards gender equality, that moment is now.
Date | Event |
1910 | Women Chainmakers’ Strike |
1918 | Representation of the People Act, gave the parliamentary vote to some women (conditions applied: aged over 30 and meeting a property qualification). |
1919 | Nancy Astor became the first woman to take her seat in the House of Commons. |
1928 | Women given the vote at the age of 21, property qualification removed (the same as men). |
1929 | Margaret Bondfield became the first woman cabinet minister. |
1975 | The Equal Pay Act and Sex Discrimination Act came into effect and Equal Opportunities Commission was established. |
1983 | Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value, amendment passed to the Equal Pay Act. |
1994 | Trade Union reform and Employment Rights Act guaranteed every working woman the right to maternity leave. |
1997 | 120 women won seats in the general election. |
Today | Gender pay gap still at 15%. |
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