Teachers in residential establishments 2024 allowances update

Joint Education Services Circular (JESC) no. 232 from the Joint Negotiating Committee for Teachers in Residential Establishments (JNCTRE), 5 December 2024 . 


Joint Education Services circular (JESC) no 232  

Pay and conditions for teachers covered by the JNCTRE agreement are aligned with those for mainstream school teachers, as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Documents’ (STPCD) (England) and STPC(W)D (Wales)  and Burgundy Book, other than where the JNCTRE has agreed separate provisions.   

The pay ranges for classroom and leadership teachers employed under the terms of the JNCTRE agreement, effective from 1 September 2024, are, therefore, those set out in the 2024 editions (England and Wales as referenced above) of the STPCDs. 

The pay scales for classroom teachers and leaders in England in maintained schools are advisory apart from the minimum and maximum pay ranges. In Wales, the pay spines are mandatory. Establishments are, therefore, expected to revise their pay scales in light of revisions and flexibilities in England within the national framework. This position is a consequence of the linkage to the STPCDs agreed by the JNCTRE in 2007. 

Under the terms of the JNCTRE Agreement, all allowances (including Instructors scales) other than the Sleeping in Duty Allowance have been increased in line with STPCDs allowances and should, therefore, be increased by 5.5 per cent in England and 5.5 per cent in Wales with effect from 1 September 2024. The Sleeping in Duty Allowance should be increased by 2.5 per cent from 1 April 2024, in line with the headline percentage pay increase agreed by the NJC for Local Government Services for 2024-2025 

Further advice on all matters relating to the JNCTRE agreement is available from the Joint Secretaries. Advice is also available from each of the organisations represented on the JNCTRE for their own members. 

Yours sincerely, 

Employers’ Side Secretary: Sarah Ward 
Local Government Association, 18 Smith Square, 
London, SW1P 3HZ

Teachers’ Side Secretary: David Powell 
National Education Union, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, 
London WC1H 9BD

Appendix 1

Extraneous duty allowance 10808

Community home addition 


Qualified 7067
Unqualified 2783
Sleeping-in duty allowance  
A night 41.79
Disturbance element per hour 23.64
Secure unit allowance 2903


Instructors’ pay scales
              Scale B
£ £ 
27195 30247
29055 33421
29497 33887


Allowances for Teaching Staff Employed in Residential Special Schools
Additional duty allowance 10244
Sleeping-in duty allowance  
A night40.77
Disturbance element per hour23.06
Resident Heads 
 No. of residential places as percentage of total 
 0-20% 21%-40% 41%-65% 66%-100% 
Group £ £ £ £ 
2(s) 7773114151660021232
3(s) 8490121101762022029
4(s) 8915130641900723761
5 and above 9377137492009124995


Non-Resident Heads 
  No. of residential places as percentage of total
Group       £ £ £ £ 
2(s) 549980641172714662
3(s) 597487641274915928
4(s) 657896471403617545
5 and above6902101321472218395


Resident Deputies 
 No. of residential places as percentage of total places 
Group £ £ £ £ 
2(s) 661395091410217624
3(s) 7026100891497918715
4(s) 7425106741582719786
5 and above 7818114531666820825




Non-Resident Deputies
  No. of residential places as percentage of total places
Group     £ £ £ £ 
2(s) 46766872997712473
3(s) 508874441084413212
4(s) 547880371169314361
5 and above 588086041252215663






Resident Assistant Heads 
 No. of residential places as percentage of total places
Group     £ £ £ £ 
5 and above 656594491406417496


Non-Resident Assistant Heads 
                 No. of residential places as percentage of total places 
Group   £ £ £ £ 
5 and above 483070901030312870


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