Independent sector members conference 2024

Our annual Independent Sector Conference, with keynote speakers, seminars, and the opportunity to meet colleagues in the sector. 

Rep-led discussion groups will hear about successful school campaigns and our new national support staff campaign.

A highlight will be our General Secretary, Daniel Kebede, who will address conference and there will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

After 14 years, we have a new government with a new agenda. Find out what the changes mean to you and members in your schools.

Attention has rightly been focussed on VAT. And who better to guide us than our very own Shaun Murtagh-Howard, NEU rep Bishop Stortford College and Qualified Chartered Accountant. Shaun will give us both the technical detail and argument to counter the bursar in your school.

Eligibility and cost

The conference is open and free to all NEU members who work in the independent sector, on approval by their District. Priority is given to school reps and members wanting to get more involved.

Lunch and refreshments provided. Travel expenses met. If you must leave home before 7.00am, overnight accommodation can be arranged.

Motion and delegates to NEU Annual Conference 2025

The Sector Conference can submit a motion to Annual Conference and nominate six delegates.

You can submit a motion for consideration, and put yourself forward as a delegate, to NEU annual conference in Harrogate 2025.

Motions should be no more than 350 words and emailed to David Kimber, [email protected], no later than 9am Friday 29 October.

Please note that there might not be time to debate all motions and the National Council independent sector will determine those for debate.

Attendees will vote on the sector motion and delegates for the annual conference 2025.

Here’s what Richard Vanstone, a member for over 50 years having first joined AMA in 1970, had to say about last year’s conference.

" This and last year's Sector Conferences….there is a new and vibrant dynamic amongst independent sector members".
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