NEU National CPD

Early career teachers and trainees: Teacher voice - using and looking after your voice

This free webinar is open to all Early Career Teachers and Trainees, including non-NEU members. 

What is your ‘Teacher Voice’? Is it the most powerful teaching tool you have? In the classroom, you use your voice to question, challenge, clarify, engage, stimulate, provoke, support, and manage. In fact, you are totally reliant upon your voice. Where would you be in the classroom without it? We often assume that we can rely upon our teacher voice to be in full working order... However, as with any tool, we need to use it correctly…and look after it. 

This webinar will cover: 

  • Using Voice – The what & the how 
  • Voice Care – Protecting our voices… 
  • Vocal Alternatives – Saving our voices…yet still running the classroom 

Suitable for: Early Career Teachers and Trainees (this webinar is free to NEU members and non-members)    

*(This session will be recorded and available for 14 days. If you are unable to attend at this time, sign up as normal to receive the recording link. This will be sent the day after the webinar.)     


Richard Hull

Richard Hull

Director - Confident Communication

Richard Hull

Director - Confident Communication

This session is delivered by Richard Hull of Confident Communication. Richard has spent his career working within Theatre and Education and has taught English and Drama in secondary schools in Wales and International schools in Switzerland. He was previously Director of the charity Talk the Talk and has recently established the organisation Confident Communication.

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