Pledge to vote for education

A manifesto for education

The next government cannot afford to overlook education. Our schools and colleges are in crisis. Extra funding is urgently needed to end the downward spiral.


Read our manifesto
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Support staff pay

Support staff members can vote until 10th July on the employer's offer. NEU Executive are urging members to reject it

Latest news

Advice and publications

Pay day marked on calendar

Pay scales

Pay scales for teachers in various educational sectors across England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, including part-time, sixth form colleges, and independent schools.

Pregnant woman with a laptop

Maternity rights

Maternity rights and entitlements available to teachers and support staff in schools and colleges.

Get involved

Sarita Healey, 2022/23 NEU national rep of the year © Ben Broomfield

Become a rep

The more workplace based reps we have, the stronger the National Education Union will be. Why not become a rep in your school or college?

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