Young teachers

Joining the NEU

Whether you’re a trainee, newly qualified or experienced teacher, lecturer, support staff or leader – working in a local authority, academy or independent school, sixth form college or FE/HE – you can join the National Education Union. 

Join now

As the largest education union, we have a powerful voice and have been effective in winning improvements to our members’ working conditions and shaping an education system that works for all. 

Join us

Select a type of membership below, to see our subscription rates and join now. The membership year will begin on 1 September and end on 31 August.

e.g. classroom teacher, lecturer in FE or HE college, supply teacher, SENDCO, adviser/consultant, full or part-time. 

Subscription rates
Contracted hoursAnnual national subscription 
(before local subscriptions)
Above 0.6£222.11
0.3 - 0.6£111.06
Below 0.3£55.53

Join now

NEU membership is FREE for students and school based trainees (e.g. School Direct or Teach First)

Read more on why NEU is the union for anyone training to become a teacher

Join now

NEU membership costs just £1 for teachers in the first year after qualifying.

Even if you previously joined the NEU for free as a student or trainee, you still need to take a minute to upgrade your membership as your free student membership will come to an end once you complete your course.

Whether you previously were an ECT who joined the NEU for free as a trainee teacher, or whether you’re an ECT who is new to the union, click the join button to take advantage of the £1 offer. The £1 subscription is payable by direct debit and provides ECTs with full membership of the union for one year from 1 September to 31 August (your first year of work after achieving QTS).

In your second year of teaching, you will pay just one third of the full annual national subscription for teachers and lecturers.

In your third year, you will receive a 17% discount on the full annual national subscription for teachers and lecturers.

Join now

e.g. head teacher/principal or vice principal. 

Subscription rates
Contracted hoursAnnual national subscription     
(before local subscriptions)
Above 0.6£254.87
0.3 – 0.6£127.44
Below 0.3£63.72

Join now

e.g. teaching assistant, classroom assistant, HLTA, or technician.

Subscription rates
Contracted hoursAnnual national subscription 
(before local subscriptions)
21 hours per week or more£116.77
Less than 21 but 10.5 hours a week or more£58.39
Less than 10.5 hours a week£29.19

Join now

Membership FAQ

Everything you need to know about becoming a member of the NEU.

Why join the NEU?

As the largest education union, we have a powerful voice and have been effective in winning improvements to our members’ working conditions and shaping an education system that works for all.

Member benefits

As well as giving you a stronger voice in the workplace and the opportunity to shape the future of education, NEU membership also gives you access to a wide range of offers.

Subscriptions while on maternity, shared parental, or adoption leave.

Members on maternity leave, shared parental leave, or adoption leave do not have to pay membership fees for the duration of the period of leave up to a maximum of 18 months. Visit our membership FAQ to find out how to inform the union.

Associate or retired

If you retire or leave the profession, you can remain eligible for union support by becoming an associate or retired member. See our FAQ for details.

Local subscriptions

In addition to the national standard subscription rates, local districts of the NEU set and collect a local subscription from members. 

Your local subscription will be between 5% and 20% of your national subscription rate.

How local subscriptions are spent will be decided at meetings of your local district and actioned by the elected officers of that group. 

If you are a new member, or if you are rejoining after having been out of membership for 36 months or longer, the local subscription fee will not be collected until the September after you join.

As an NEU member, you elect your local district officers and you are encouraged to attend the meetings of your local district where decisions such as the setting and spending of your local subscription are made.

Upgrade now

If you previously joined the NEU for free as a student or trainee, you will need to take a minute to upgrade your membership as your free student membership will come to an end once you complete your course.

NEU membership costs just £1 for teachers in the first year after qualifying. It is payable by direct debit and provides you with full membership of the union for one year from 1 September to 31 August.

Upgrade now
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