NEU National CPD

Understanding ADHD

A comprehensive overview of current research and understanding around ADHD that will provide you with ideas for adjustments and support for students. 

This session will give an overview of ADHD and empower you to provide even better support for pupils with this specific need as well as providing a broader insight into how this support can benefit all pupils. The perspective of young people with ADHD will help to bring real-world context to this understanding.

This session will cover: 

  • Current research around ADHD as well as considering social constructions of (dis)ability 
  • The impact that the learning environment can play in enabling or disabling students
  • What types of adjustments and support can be of most benefit to students 

Potential benefits to you and the children or young people you work with: 

  • Greater knowledge and understanding of ADHD 
  • Better support for students with ADHD who you work with 
  • Greater sense of belonging and engagement for your students

Suitable for: All members

(This webinar will be recorded and available for 14 days. If you are unable to attend at this time, sign up to receive the recording link. This will be sent the day after the webinar.)  




National Association for Special Educational Needs


National Association for Special Educational Needs

NASEN (the National Association for Special Educational Needs) a charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences.

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