NEU National CPD

Study skills and revision techniques for neurodivergent learners

Many neurodivergent learners have challenges with learning about and initiating study skills, particularly independently. These challenges can include regulating the attentional system, building routines and structures for independent study and, of course, encoding information into long term memory through revision. This session will explore ways in which we can support these students. 

The session will cover:

  •  A brief overview of the challenges faced
  • Strategies to support executive functioning
  • Strategies to support memory

Suitable for: Secondary and Post-16

Please note this session will not be recorded.


Colin Foley

Colin Foley

Training director of the ADHD Foundation

Colin Foley

Training director of the ADHD Foundation

Colin Foley is the training director of the ADHD Foundation, the largest ADHD charity in Europe. Following a twenty-five-year teaching career, including ten years in school leadership, Colin has led the Training team at the ADHD Foundation to be become the largest provider of training for professionals on ADHD in the UK, working with over 13,000 professionals from a range of sectors in the last year. Our training sessions are rooted in taking a strength based approach to neurodiversity- understanding the conditions, how they can overlap, the impact of neurodiversity on people’s lived experience as well as empowering educators, employers, line managers, service providers, families and people with ADHD with evidence based strategies for living well and being successful in education and in the workplace.

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