Play is an integral part of being human – it is how we are programmed to learn and develop in a holistic and healthy way. Play helps children relate to their inner world of feelings, ideas and lived experiences, taking them to new levels of thinking as children make sense of the world around them, building skills that will empower them as life-long learners. Through play children relate to others, collaborating, negotiating, and constructing narratives. By referring to ‘the pedagogy of play’, Pete highlights how our approach as teachers is crucial in providing the optimal conditions to allow children’s play to flourish
From this course you will:
- Discover what counts as ‘play’ and ‘playful activities’
- Learn how play supports children’s creative expression
- Learn how freely chosen play can support all areas of learning
- Explore the adult role in supporting playful learning
- Distinguish between free play, guided play, and structured didactic teaching
Suitable for: Early years