Annual progression on the upper pay range

A key issue for many teachers is that their school has adopted a pay policy stating that progression on the upper pay range (UPR) should only be considered every two years. 

The NEU position is clear – schools must consider all teachers’ pay annually, including teachers on the UPR. This is in line with the statutory provisions and non-statutory guidance, supports recruitment and retention, and is fair to all teachers. 

Although schools “must consider annually whether or not to increase” teacher pay (STPCD paragraph 19.1), this is only an entitlement to review and not an entitlement to progression. Nevertheless, we would argue that restricting increases to every two years undermines the STPCD provision that schools are required to consider whether pay should increase annually.

Statutory position 

School teachers’ pay and conditions document (STPCD) provisions

In 2012, the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) recommended removal of the previous provision that teachers could only progress following two consecutive successful appraisals. This provision had limited progression on the UPR to every two years. Under the STPCD, this is now a matter for individual school discretion.

The STPCD says at paragraphs 3 and 19 that pay should be reviewed annually and that the school pay policy should set out clearly how pay progression will be determined.

Most academies mirror the STPCD provisions, but some have their own arrangements in place, which may or may not include annual progression for teachers on the UPR.

DfE non-statutory advice

The non-statutory DfE advice ‘managing teachers’ and leaders’ pay’ no longer mentions any provision for delaying progression to a biennial basis and includes references to annual pay reviews. This would suggest that provided the criteria is met, pay progression should occur annually for teachers on the UPR. 

Action for reps 

Follow the bargaining cycle to challenge biennial progression on the UPR at your school.


Model pay letter

A model letter you can use to raise pay implementation and any other pay issues with your head.

NEU pay bargaining calendar graphic

Pay bargaining toolkit

This pay bargaining toolkit will provide you and your colleagues with the guidance and resources you need to take a pro-active approach to pay bargaining in your workplace.

Find out more
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