Step 3
Meeting with management
Once you have a mandate from members, arrange a meeting to discuss the issue(s) with your head. Make sure you are well prepared to outline members’ concerns and what changes members are looking for. Only make agreements in so far as you’ve been mandated by members. Ask for any agreements to be confirmed in writing.
Step 4
Making decisions collectively
Hold a members’ meeting to discuss the outcome of negotiations.
Outcome A: If your head agrees to the changes requested by your NEU group, hold another meeting so members can ratify any agreement, celebrate their success and decide which issues to prioritise next.
Outcome B: If you come to agreement on some but not all the issues raised by your NEU group, hold another NEU meeting to decide your next steps (accept the outcome or escalate).
Outcome C: If your head doesn’t agree to any of the changes suggested by the NEU group. You will need to escalate.
Step 5
Hold a meeting with members and go through the options for action. As a group, decide which actions you would be prepared to take to win. This could include signing a collective letter to your head, writing to higher level decision makers such as a governing body, or balloting members for strike action. Contact your local branch about escalating to achieve your demands.
Step 6
Joining up our fights
To maximise effectiveness, you should seek to network with other reps in your branch or MAT with a view to coordinating action across your employer.