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Wales : Snap poll FAQ

Snap poll voting eligibility, process, and frequently asked questions.

Check your details

Our snap poll is being conducted online.

Shortly after 8am on 1 October 2024, all eligible members will receive an email or text with a link to vote in our snap poll, which will ask the following question:

Welsh Government has decided to offer a 5.5 per cent pay rise to all teachers and leaders in Wales for 2024-25. Do you Accept or Reject the Government's 5.5 per cent pay offer?

Please take a few minutes to read the detail of the offer outlined on this page, including the rationale for your elected executive’s neutral recommendation. Please consider the executive rationale fully and then use your email and text to vote to accept or reject the Pay Offer. 

You have until midday on Monday, 7 October 2024 to cast your vote.

Snap poll FAQ

Who is eligible to vote in this snap poll?

Teacher and leader NEU members employed in maintained schools in Wales are eligible to vote in this ballot, including those on maternity leave.

How is this snap poll being conducted?

Our snap poll will be conduced online.

Shortly after 8am on Tuesday, 1 October 2024, we will send you a link to this poll by email and text.

Please take a few minutes to read the detail of the offer outlined on these pages, including the rationale for your elected executive’s decision to put this offer to you on a neutral basis with no recommendation. Then use the link in your email and text to vote.

You have until Midday on Monday, 7 October to cast your vote.

I have not received my voting link by email or text. Or my voting link doesn’t work. What should I do?

If you have not received the link or if you have lost it, please submit your email address* here.

* This must be the same email address associated with your membership record.

If you have received a link but when you click on it you are not presented with the option to vote, please check that the details we have for you are up to date (for instance, if you are on the membership system as a supply teacher you will not be presented with an option to vote).

To check your details are up to date, please go to myNEU (if you have not used myNEU before, you will need to activate your account) and check that the following details are all current:

  • Your email address
  • Your mobile phone number
  • Your workplace
  • Your job role
  • Whether or not you are supply

If you are unable to log in to myNEU or if you have a more complex membership query, please contact the membership team on 0345 811 8111 or [email protected]

If your details are out of date and you update them on myNEU, you do not need to contact the union to inform us. You will automatically receive a link but this may take 24 hours. Please don’t contact the union about not receiving a link until you have waited 24 hours after updating your details.

I am a supply member, why can’t I vote?

The union is balloting NEU members in Wales who are employed by local authority schools. If you are currently working as a supply teacher for an agency or agencies you are therefore ineligible to vote. While the outcome of any dispute may well affect supply members our dispute is not with your employer.

Will support staff members get to vote on the offer?

No. This 5.5 per cent pay award is for teachers and leaders only. Support staff pay is determined by a different process – in negotiations between the Local Government Association and Unison, GMB and Unite. Click here for the latest news on support staff pay.

Will sixth form college members get to vote on the offer?

No. This specific Government offer is only being made to school teachers and leaders in state funded schools in Wales, therefore we are not putting it to our members in sixth form colleges. For the latest on our pay negotiations with the Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) please click here. Any further queries about 6FC pay, should be sent to [email protected].

How and when will the snap poll result be announced?

The ballot result will be announced to all members shortly after the poll closes at midday on Monday, 7 October 2024.  We will email all members with the result in the usual manner.

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